Today, we want to share the remarkable story of Croissant, a brave street dog who…
Milestone: Rescuing “Pao Pao” and his mum 🐮
“Pao Pao” was born with birth defects. At just 2 days old we had to attempt rectifying a severe umbilical hernia. While checking his temperature we discovered he was also born with no anus. This is a very complicated situation to say the least. Our fantastic volunteer Georgie stayed with “Pao Pao” during the first critical night after treatment to keep him company.
Thankfully our little man survived the night. Given his birth defects, his owner surrendered him to Pete’s Mission and after some negotiation agreed to let us take care of “Mumma Pao” – what a relief and yet another milestone for Pete’s Mission.
“Pao Pao” and “Mumma Pao” are both safe with us. “Pao Pao” still has extremely complicated surgery ahead, however for now he is safe with his mum and growing strong. We are determined to rectify his birth defects and assure him a long and happy life.

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