Beatrice and the piglets ✨
In September last year we were called when Beatrice was found alone and crying in pain by the roadside. It seemed her rear legs and hips were disabled from arthritis and had finally failed her. We immediatly brought her home. Our initial plan for Beatrice was to give her the medical care she needed and let her retire in comfort at Pete’s Mission. Little did we know her adventures were far from over…
It turned out she was pregnant and sadly she lost her babies. Unfortunatly at such an old age this is not uncommon. But this is where Beatrice’s story became remarkable. Whilst she was still grieving, we rescued 2 orphaned piglets: Mot Gaew and Bua Thong. Both of them at that time urgently needed a mother, Mot Gaew being particulary poorly because he suffered from birth deffects. Since Beatrice was still lactating and desperate to nurture her babies we made the decision to let the piglets live with her for a while. Seeing Beatrice instantly take on the role as a loving mother left our whole team in awe.
The piglets grew strong and against all odds Beatrice even started walking again. Our old lady surprised us again and again.
She spent the next months trotting around the sanctuary recieving first class treatment along the way. After all she had done for others during her life, it was now her time to be loved and taken care of. It was an honor to do exactly that for her. Beatrice completed some important jobs before leaving us and she taught us all some valuable life lessons. She died surrounded by her friends and she will never be forgotten. Her story will be told. Rest easy Miss B.✨
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